Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weeks of March 29th and April 5th

Took a week off of ME strength and worked in everyones favorite "ass-waxing" in-Filthy 50-on wednesday March 31st. All in all a bunch of Crossfit diagnostic workouts (nancy, f50, cindy) that should fuel us as we head back to the main lifts of push press and back squats.

The Thursday April 6th was a beast!!! 10 burpees, 2 sled pushes (close to 80 yards of total pushing w/ 90lbs of additional weight on the sled) and 10 kb swings. This was for rounds in 12 minutes. OUCH!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

weeks beginning march 15th & 22nd

Friday March 26th was scheduled to be our last week of deadlifting, however, with the Nor Cal sectionals on saturday our evening folks were going to miss out on the lifting fun. So, I gave the morning crew a partner row, sandbag carry kb swing workout and push our m.e deadlift onto monday the 29th.

All in all this was a really fun and challenging cycle. I love having folks set deadlift pr's and the push jerk is a movement that needs consistent exposure to. In particular I really like our Tuesday in week two wod. I accidently wrote the week one tuesday wod under the week two...Anway, the workout was:

Complete 1 clean @105/155 then perform 7 dips and 7 box jumps then complete 2 cleans, 7 dips, and 7 boxjumps....continue with acceding bb cleans until your reach 7 rounds. Really challenging workout that requires you to mentally handle increased workload as you become fatigued.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

January 5th and 12th

Another solid two week cycle with some combinations that have not been programed before. Wednesday January 7th was an interesting workout with 60 work/rest intervals followed by a 120 second timed run with 60 second of dips dip after the run. Most folks started off with 1:45 400 pace but quickly went over time on the subsequent runs.

The only change to the board was the 13th and 15th work out flopped. The new 15th workout was quickly thrown out as the WODS and standards for the up coming Crossfit East Sac "affiliate throwdown" will be held this saturday February 13th. Should be a good time!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 18th and 25th

Wow, what a solid two weeks of programming! This cycle will definitely be making it's way back before to long.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 4th &11th

Sorry to those stopping by who have witnessed out lack of workouts posted. Since attending coach Rut's black-box seminar I have begun programming for each month with dedicated strength days consisting of: Week One-5,5,5 for all post wod strength. Week Two-5,5,5 for all post wod strength. Week three-3,3,3 for all post wod strength. Week four-5,3,1,1,1 for all post wod strength. The post wod exercise selection changes at the end of each four weeks cycle. This particular block of programming has strength days on Wednesday (clean pull) and Friday (front squat) with Monday set aside for slightly longer (15-20min wods) coupled with post wod skill work such as Double-Unders or Pistols.

In light of this planning it has been difficult to update the workout blog....Untill now (we hope). Check out the pic of our first two weeks of january programming.